Source: Eric Spracklen on Pinterest
On Tuesday, Kashmir Hill at Gizmodo detailed the skeevy tactics used by Project Veritas to infiltrate Twitter starting in April of 2017. The undercover operatives involved included James O'Keefe, Dan Sandini, Allison Maass aka "Kelly Dale," and "Eric Williams," whose true identity was then unknown. Thanks to research from Liz Farkas and Matthew Phelan, we now know that "Eric Williams" is really Eric Spracklen, an outspoken Trump activist.
Spracklen manages the pro-Trump Twitter accounts @USAforTrump2016, @ThatTrumpGuy, and @WeWantTrump2020, and a pro-Trump Facebook page, Trump’s News Daily. During the campaign, he ran a pro-Trump Vine account called Vote Trump 2016, which he described as "a behind the scenes look of grassroots campaigning for Donald Trump."
Spracklen was also involved in Veritas' 2016 "Rigging the Election" series, wherein he filmed activists at the immigration rights organization Voces de la Frontera in Milwaukee.
Source: JamesPomeroy217/Trump 2016 on Pinterest