Christian Hartsock in the 2016 election.
According to Charlie Ryan, the co-chair of Our Wisconsin Revolution, long time Project Veritas operative Christian Hartsock, going by the alias of "Kurt Insley," tried to pitch him on voter fraud schemes this week. Voter fraud is a perennial favorite issue for Project Veritas, and is a subject that Donald Trump has seized on as he defunds the U.S. Postal Service and sows doubt about mail-in ballots in an election where he finds himself down in the polls against Joe Biden. Veritas was funded by Trump in 2015, and has extensive ties to Trump himself, his family, and his administration. Ryan was able to identify Hartsock's identity using this website.
Hartsock/Insley met with Ryan on September 2 under the pretense of being a filmmaker producing a documentary for Zeitgeist Pictures on the Gillespie v Palmer Wisconsin Supreme Court case, which granted Black people the right to vote. Hartsock's cover included a fake LinkedIn profile and company website. He wanted Ryan to provide him with contemporaneous examples of activists helping people vote illegally (see Ryan's texts to Christian Hartsock/Kurt Insley at bottom).
Hartsock may be employing this alias and cover story in other states. The likeliest targets will be in swing states with importance in the presidential race and key Senate races. This narrative will provide ammunition to bolster Trump's claims of voter fraud. Please note that if you have had communication with PV operatives -- regardless of whether or not you said anything wrong -- your willingness to participate in a conversation involving unethical or illegal voting practices can be cut to look like you condone them. ALWAYS be wary of anyone pushing you to talk about illegal or unethical behavior, particularly from folks you barely know. You must ALWAYS push back. Please contact us at Project Veritas Exposed for assistance if you believe you have been infiltrated.
If you have any information on Kurt Insley or Project Veritas,
please reach out to us at

Ryan's texts to "Kurt Insley."